Carihost Web Media® respects your right as an individual to Privacy of all information shared at signup or during use of our services.We may use your details to contact you from time to time regarding changes to service, planned maintenance, technical problems and new services. We will never sell, rent or share any client details with other companies without prior permission.

At Signup We Collect Your IP for verification purposes  and for the use of Fraud Protection, we do not transmit or store your IP addresses once you have terminated services with us. When you signup for service with Carihost web media you agree to share information such as name,address,telephone and other data. This Data is secured on our servers in a database which is only utilized by our billing system for Billing Records only.

When you terminate your services with is this does not mean that your information is removed from our system, once you stop using our service and wish do no longer do business with us, simply send an email to [email protected] requesting your account permanently removed from our records.

Carihost Reserves the Right to Change this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice.

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